Welcome to my ramblings on tech, development, and life.
Oh My ZSH! and the alias command
Say hello to Propiti
Create a new Rails 7 app with Tailwind
Rails 6 setup in macOS Monterey
Adding Tailwind CSS to your Rails app
"NotImplementedError" when deploying Capistrano
Installing Crystal
Crystal clear?
Welcome EMO!
New website, time for a change
Digital and Work Setup
Splitting large CSV files
PostgreSQL Tip: Resync table sequence
Rails from secrets to credentials
I got a Kindle!
Rails testing, with rspec
Webpacker and Rails 6
Let's explore before? and after? methods in Rails.
Adding Sitemaps to a Jekyll site
Counting up, a JS code snippet
Fixing the GitHub 'GH007' error
Let's talk about GraphQL
My first GraphQL API
GraphQL and Rails, getting started
Rails Snippet: Delete DB and App
How to: Translate Google Sheets
Rails 6 setup in macOS Catalina
Rails Snippet: Force drop a PostgreSQL DB
First iOS app released!
2020 Goals
Updating Ruby
Updating Rails
Jekyll tips & tricks
Jekyll File Structure
How to: Set all file names in a directory to lowercase
Setting up Rails and Jekyll (Part 2)
Setting up Rails and Jekyll (Part 1)
Getting started with Sass
Some useful Git commands
How to: Update Jekyll
Slack style loader
An overview of Bourbon
Jekyll and links…
CSS only toggle switch