I was moving a blog from Wordpress to a Jekyll site, and after finally managing to import all my posts I found a slight issue, my file names all had an uppercase character to start each word. :sigh:
“Crap!” was one of the words that came to mind, as now my URL’s were also in this format. I personally prefer URL’s in lowercase - i suppose its a spaces vs. tabs kinda thing.
So after a little investigation I came across a handy little terminal snippet. So, first off we need to be in our directory with the offending files
cd your-dir
Next we will enter the much needed snippet…
for i in *; do mv "$i" "$(echo $i|tr A-Z a-z)"; done
This terminal snippet will loop through each file in the current directory, and rename the files to lower case! Yay!! My OCD has been appeased for the day ✊